Havwoods South Yarra Showroom
Project - Havwoods Showroom
Location - South Yarra, VIC
Designer - Collectivus
Installer - Unita
Photographer - Emma Cross Photography
Instagram - emmacrossphoto
In order to deliver an even better experience to our clients, Havwoods made the decision to relocate the Victorian shworoom to the design hub of Melbourne's South Yarra. Staying true to the global design, yet refreshing elements to better showcase products and improve our showroom customer experience, our new showroom is a marvel of natural tones and luxurious finishes. Read more and see the new showroom >
Having established a successful presence in Melbourne, Victoria, we at Havwoods made the decision to relocate the Victorian showroom to the bustling design and lifestyle hub of Melbourne's South Yarra in order to provide an even better experience for our clients. The relocation also provided us with an opportunity to change up some of the showroom elements to showcase new, unique and interesting products.

The new showroom was meticulously designed by the creative team at Collectivus, with the exceptional fit out being completed by Unita.
In keeping with Havwoods' global showroom design, the space combines natural tones and finishes, enhanced with pops of gold and bronze, to compliment Havwoods' timber flooring ranges and illustrate the beauty, textures and unique qualities of the genuine wood products.
Two Havwoods' products were selected for the flooring, Timber Tones of the Year colour HW4118 Mentone Wide Plank in rustic grade, and the beautiful HW4110 Arena Herringbone also in rustic grade. Custom brass insets deliver a stunning feature transition between the two patterns and tones.
Mentone and Arena were chosen for their durability and rustic grade characteristics which make them ideal choices for a high traffic retail environment.

Also showcased in the new showroom are two of our Purepanel veneer products, HW31016 Artenay Duo Veneer and HW31006 Bayonne Duo Veneer. Used on the cabinetry for the stunning built-in floor to bulkhead cupboards, along with the large counter, for which the real-wood Purepanel veneers were moulded to create a beautiful modern curve, displaying the flexibility of these genuine timber veneers.

Find Your Perfect Timber Flooring in South Yarra

Settling in the design hub of Melbourne's South Yarra, enable us to better service our Victorian clientele with a more accessible location. Surrounded by fellow build and furnishing brands offering tile, carpet, fireplaces and more, you can now source your perfect Havwoods timber flooring or cladding while planning and sourcing other aspects of your project too.
We are thrilled to be part of the South Yarra design community and invite you to come and visit us at 9-11 Claremont Street, South Yarra soon.