Across the Atlantic and over the finishing line

25 Feb 2022

The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge has been described as ‘the world’s toughest row’ as the participating teams are having to face sleep deprivation, salt sores, physical extremes, 20 ft waves, and up to 50 days in the sea confined into small space!

Last year’s race started from La Gomera in the Canaries on 12th December 2021, and finished in Antigua on 23rd January 2022. Havwoods were proud supporters of the In Deep Ship team, who was raising money for three charities: Crisis, Covenant House and Anthony Nolan.

‘We had an amazing crossing and have been recovering and resting since being back on land’, said Lauren Hunt, Senior Architect from Formation Architects, one of the four In Deep Ship crew members.

Across the Atlantic and over the finishing line
Across the Atlantic and over the finishing line

‘A few facts about our crossing:

· We completed the crossing in 42 days, 4 hours and 54 minutes.

· We rowed 2838 nautical miles in total from La Gomera to Antigua.

· We were the first mixed team of 3 females and 1 male to row an ocean.

· We smashed our own goal of beating the previous mixed team’s world record of 42 days and 10 hours for a team of 4, however a new record was also set this year by another mixed crew, Force Atlantic.

· There are still just less than 200 female Atlantic rowing crossings recorded!

I wanted to say a huge thank you to Havwoods for supporting our team on this incredible journey. It really has been amazing to collaborate with you and we really couldn't have done it without our partners and supporters.’

Across the Atlantic and over the finishing line