Adamstown Residential Renovation, NSW

Project - Adamstown Residential Renovation

Location - Adamstown, NSW

Product Used - HW3573 Ryde Herringbone

Designer - Tailored HQ

Contractor - CBE Solutions

Photographer - Atelier Photography

This stunning home in Adamstown NSW, shows how the consideration of natural light and a strategic approach to style choices, layout and cabinetry design, can transform a tired, outdated and non-functioning home into a delightful dream living space.

Product Used: HW3573 Ryde Herringbone timber flooring

Located in the Newcastle suburb of Adamstown, this ageing home was fast becoming too small for its growing family. Functionality and space were suffering and the home was starting to require some much needed repairs.

Designing from the floor up, Tailored HQ selected a foundation of HW3573 Ryde Herringbone to feature throughout the home.

“Havwoods Ryde Herringbone was selected for it’s character and soft sheen finish. This immediately added character that was missing previously” - Lara O’Donnell, Tailored HQ

Adamstown Residential Renovation, NSW
Adamstown Residential Renovation, NSW

The Ryde Herringbone was also used to carry the design consistently through the home which previously had an extension that felt very "added-on". Carrying the flooring through the extension ensured a continuation of the design and blended the extension into the rest of the home.

The light, natural tones of the Ryde Herringbone also helped to boost the natural lighting available in the home, turning a quite dark and narrow hallway into a much brighter space. The pattern of the herringbone also lending itself to delivering a feeling of space.

Adamstown Residential Renovation, NSW
Adamstown Residential Renovation, NSW

The selection of the flooring, colour and material choices, furniture selection and even the cabinetry design were all carefully crafted to give this home new life in the way of space, light and functionality - with stunning results that the family will love for many years to come.

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