Sit Down with Australian Furniture Designer Mark Tuckey
1 Jul 2019
Mark was in his late 20s when he realised he wanted to spend his time doing something he loved, rather than getting up every day to do something for money. Having always enjoyed working with his hands, he started the Mark Tuckey brand to design sustainable solid timber furniture.
Can you share some insights into the creative process at Mark Tuckey?
Everything we design is very much a team effort. The process often starts with materials at hand or a rare batch of recycled timber we have sourced. Discussions will take place regarding construction, cost and sales potential.
What is the philosophy behind the Mark Tuckey label?
The philosophy has remained the same: the desire to make furniture that will last, and that I would love to have in my own home. The furniture has always been minimal in form, with a focus on quality and function. We’re still proudly Australian designed and manufactured and I am still passionate about ensuring the business maintains a small environmental footprint.

How important is sustainability to you and if so how does that guide you when developing new pieces?
When I started I had 2 motivations, 1. to do something environmentally friendly, and 2, to be involved in the creative process from start to finish. Originally I used only recycled timber, I now use new timber as well. Any new timber we procure is carefully checked as to its origin. We don’t use old growth timbers that should not be harvested or rainforest timbers.
What did starting a business from scratch teach you?
I’ve had to learn new skills as the business has grown. Starting from scratch on such a small scale and growing to where we are now has taught me to adapt and be flexible. Learning from mistakes and asking for advice has been a vital lesson. I often find the smarter people are, the more likley they are to share knowledge. It’s amazing how people will support you if you get off your bum and have a go!

Your designs have been described as “quintessentially Australian”. What does this mean to you in relation to interiors?
For me, it means a relaxed, robust product designed to be used and not just admired. Australians love to have a good time and there is no better place than around the family table.
What are the most popular pieces in your collection?
Our iconic Eggcup stool is always a favourite, as well as our tripod dining table and plinth sofa.

The iconic eggcup stool by Mark Tuckey.
Mark Tuckey furniture is available online or via his three showrooms in Byron Bay, Melbourne and Perth.
If you are looking for the perfect floors to compliment your interior style and furniture, book a showroom consultation today.